Launching ICS’s New Brand & How it Ties into Our Larger Mission

New look, more impact, brighter futures!

Letter from Jamie Moon, Our CEO

Dear ICS Friends,

In early 2022, The Institute for Child Success merged with EC PRISM. Over the past year we have been hard at work reshaping our organization to become an even stronger force impacting early childhood for the better. A central component of that work has involved deep introspection regarding the type of organization we aspire to be and what you, our many stakeholders, continue to challenge us to be. 

Through this process, we have refined our mission to reflect the growing number of ways we support young children and their families to thrive:

Our Mission: ICS advances human-centered and equity-focused practices, partners, and policies to transform systems that impact young children and their families.

In short, we support those who support young children. We achieve this by working to impact all aspects of early childhood ecosystems—by collaborating hand in hand with early childhood programs to provide measurement and evaluation guidance, by recommending smart financial policies to strengthen support services for communities, by participating in cross-sector initiatives to strengthen early childhood systems at a national scale, and by providing research and resources to benefit professionals across the entire early childhood ecosystem. In all we do, we support organizations across the country to maximize their impact for the children and communities they serve.

To reflect our work and our values, we are proud to launch a new look that represents the expansion of our portfolio, and reaffirms our approach of early childhood expertise with a human touch. Our new logo contains a symbol reminiscent of an abacus, a tool of early learning, as well as a symbol of the connections we aim to build across early childhood.

Institute for Child Success logo

Lastly, we have refreshed our website to reflect the many supports and resources we offer to the early childhood field. I encourage you to explore to learn more about the work we do, examples of our key initiatives, and our unique approach.

website and mobile device graphic

We are thrilled to share these updates with you, our ICS community. Whether you are a new partner or a long-time champion of ICS, your support of our mission has been invaluable and we truly appreciate your dedication to making a difference in the lives of children. We look forward to using these exciting changes as a stepping stone to propel us toward our goal of supporting the success of all young children. Thank you for joining us on this journey!

Thank you,

Jamie Moon, CEO of the Institute for Child Success

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